Getting the source

Downloading the Scorpion source code

The source code is available on scorpionantimalware/scorpion-antimalware and while you can manually download it via the website, in general you want to do it via the git version control system.

If you don’t know much about git yet, there are a great number of tutorials available on various websites.

In general, you need to install git and/or one of the various GUI clients.

Afterwards, to get the latest development version of the Scorpion source code (the unstable master branch), you can use git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --shallow-submodules

If you are using the git command line client, this is done by entering the following in a terminal:

git clone
# You can add the --depth 1 argument to omit the commit history.
# Faster, but not all Git operations (like blame) will work.


DON’T forget to clone the submodules after cloning the repository. You can do this by running the following command: git submodule update --init

Downloading the Console source code

The source code is available on scorpionantimalware/sam-console and while you can manually download it via the website, in general you want to do it via the git version control system using the following command: git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --shallow-submodules